[停課不停學] 喺屋企上堂被「亂入」?「亂入」嘅英文又係咩?
為了減少社交接觸,近來大家都多了Home Learning和Home Office 的時間,在家直播上課或開會。在寸金尺土的香港,家人「亂入」直播事件常有發生,大家知唔知「亂入」的意思和出處?「亂入」的英文又應該點講?
Photobomb (照片炸彈/被意外地拍進照片裏)/ Photo bomber (指「亂入」者 / 特登做一些特別的動作去搶別人鏡的人)
1) 一隻松鼠「亂入」一對情侶的婚照成為網絡熱門話題。
A squirrel photobombed a couple’s wedding picture and it became a hot topic on the internet.

2) 湯漢斯決定在中央公園「亂入」一對新人的婚禮,令他們驚喜萬分。 A couple of newlyweds received a surprise when Tom Hanks decided to photobomb their wedding photo at Central Park.
Steal the show (偷走了演出時間/搶鏡)
1) 羅伯特·凱利(Robert Kelly)接受有關南韓事務的採訪時,他的兩名孩子闖入了房間,並在現場直播中「亂入」搶鏡。 Robert Kelly was giving a BBC live interview speaking on Korean affairs when his kids entered the room and completely stole the show.

2) 赤膊的加拿大總理杜魯多在一場沙灘婚禮上意外入鏡,搶去一對新人的焦點。 The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau accidentally crashed a beach wedding shirtless and stole the show by photobombing in a couple’s wedding ceremony.
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